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Everything is prepped and ready for Marshall! |
We are going to begin our math lesson by reading a story called Measuring Penny. Based on the title and picture on the cover, what do you think we will learn about today? That's right, measurement. Today, you are going to learn about standard and non- standard measurement. (Demonstrate) One way to measure is to use a standard unit of measure like inches on a ruler. The book is 11 inches tall. If I don't have a ruler, I can measure it with a nonstandard unit. (Measure book with pencils) The book is about one and a half pencils tall. We will talk more about measurement in a few minutes, but first, let's read the story! (Read story)
1. Looking at the cover, who can tell me the name of the girl?
2. What is the name of her dog?
3. The story we read is called, Measuring Penny after reading, I want to know, why do you think that is?
(T- Chart on Standard and Non- Standard measurement) This is a T- Chart on Standard and Non- Standard measurement. I want us to create a list. Raise your hand, and tell me, what units did Lisa (the main character in the book) use to measure?
We are going to do some measuring using Non- Standard units of measurement just like Lisa. Each of you is going to get a mini- book that looks like this (show book). You will be asked to find the width, length, and height of objects. (Read chart) Wide= width, long= length, and tall= height.
To find your measurement, you will use a Penny Ruler. This is your Non- Standard unity of measurement for this activity. Before I send you off to work through this booklet on your own, let's do a few examples together!
Does anyone have questions?
** Check out Simply Skilled in Second and her Measuring Penny activity here on Teachers Pay Teachers.
*** I was observed during this lesson and my professor provided me with some fabulous feedback. She wrote, "Good job at giving quick expecations: "Spread out a little not to the back of the room." I like the idea of getting the wiggles out. Good classroom management skills. :-) LOVE when lessons begin with a book. :-) Your students are good listeners. You read the book well with fun introduction, enthusiasm, etc. You did a nice job of explaining how the dogs ears were measured. Thank you for complimenting the student by saying, "That's a really good observation." :-) Nice work of explaining the difference between "standard and non standard measurement. Thank you for asking students to raise hands! Thank you for telling the girl who said pennies as a measurement why her answer was good yet incorrect. Questioning skills are good to have and you are doing a nice job of questioning your students and your students are excited about measuring. :-) Their hands shot up in excitement! Thank you for thanking others. :-) Great quick informal assessment to see if students understand and are ready to move on. You are a natural, Liz!! A school will be lucky to get you and so will your students. :-) Good luck to you!"
Hi Elizabeth.... I just happen to be searching the web for something when I came upon your blog post about my measuring unit. Thank you SOOOOOOO much for posting this and using it as your lesson :) I am truly humbled :) Thank you for the compliment of using my resources :)