Friday, November 28, 2014

Finding Unknown Partners (Story Problems)

Today you will find unknown partners. You will also create and solve story problems with unknown partners. Repeat after me, I can find unknown partners. I can create and solve... story problems with unknown partners. Let's do some quick practice!
I have 9  marbles. 7 of them are green. The rest are red. How many marbles are red? This story problem can be solved a couple different ways. One way we could solve it is with a circle drawing. What is another way? A math mountain. We could also solve the problem by writing an equation.
Let's solve the equation using a math mountain. Which number is the total? 9 Which numbers are the partners? 7 and 2. We drew our math mountain. Now I want to challenge you. We need to write an equation that represents our story. An equation is a mathematical sentence that uses an equals sign to show that two expressions are equal. Take a few seconds to write an equation on your board. Student, can you write your equation on the board?
We are going to write and solve our own story problems as a class. Student, what should our problem be about? Marbles, lollipops or books? How many do we have, student? Pick another number, student. Name a color, student. Name another color, student. How many are _____? Solve this story problem on your board. Draw a math mountain and write an equation.
It is time to play a game! The game we are going to play in math today is called Number Grabber. One student is going to be the Number Grabber. Their job is to come to the board and cover up one of the partner numbers on any mountain while the rest of the class closes their eyes. When the Number Grabber says, "Open your eyes for a big surprise," everyone will open their eyes, look at the mountain with an unknown partner and solve for it. You will write your answer on your white board. Questions?


Today you will count on to solve subtraction problems. You will solve subtraction story problems. Repeat after me, "I can count on to solve subtraction problems. I can solve subtraction story problems." Let's do some quick practice!
Today I am going to add two signals to our lesson. When I clap that means pick up your whiteboards and markers. When I snap that means put your white boards and markers down.

Watch as I guide you through this subtraction story problem. I had 8 peanuts. Then I ate 5 of them. How many peanuts are left? Let's count on from 5. 5: 6,7,8 How many peanuts are left? 3 peanuts. Why is 3 the answer? 3 is the number of fingers raised. Very good!

Boys and girls you are doing a fantastic job paying attention and waiting to use your white board and marker. Listen to the problem again. Is this problem a plus story or a minus story? How do you know? If we were to create a math mountain. We would have our king  on top. Our King is the biggest number in the problem so which number is bigger 8 or 5. So 8 is the king of our kingdom. Our partners are on the bottom. This is our prince and princess. If 8 is our king what number is the prince? 5. 8 minus 5. The King has 8 peanuts and he wants to give some to the prince and the princess. This one gets five. How many does this one get? Let's write the equation. 8-5=___
*Clap* Now it is your turn to do a subtraction story problem. The King has 9 peanuts and he wants to give some to the prince and the princess. This one gets 4. How many does this one get? Let's write the equation. 9-4=___

The King has 10 peanuts and he wants to give some to the prince and the princess. This one gets 6. How many does this one get? Let's write the equation. 10-6=___

The King has 5 peanuts and he wants to give some to the prince and the princess. This one gets 3. How many does this one get? Let's write the equation. 5-3=___

The King has 4 peanuts and he wants to give some to the prince and the princess. This one gets 1. How many does this one get? Let's write the equation. 4-1=___

The King has 6 peanuts and he wants to give some to the prince and the princess. This one gets 3. How many does this one get? Let's write the equation. 6-3=___

*Snap* We are going to solve addition equations. Some of these equations are vertical so up and down and others are horizontal or left to right. We are going to count on to solve these equations. Remember the answer is the number of fingers raised, not the last number spoken.

1st graders you are showing great self control! Please leave your markers and whiteboards on the floor as we talk through the next two problems together. If we were to create a math mountain. We would have our king on top. Our King is the biggest number in the problem so which number is bigger 6 or 4. So 6 is the king of our kingdom. Our partners or the prince and princess are on the bottom. If 6 is our king what number is the prince? 4. 6 minus 4. Let's count on to find our answer. Does the answer 2 children make sense? Why? Why wouldn't the answer 10 children make sense? In the beginning, only 6 children were swimming. Some went home, so the number of children left must be less than 6. 10 children is more than 6 children.
When I say go you will stand up, walk back to your desk and take out your math workbook. You will turn to page 97. We will work through these together so please do not start. Questions? Go. There is a small picture in the column to help you understand the story problems. The people who made our workbooks are a little tricky though. Sometimes the picture will be our label of our answer and sometimes it won't be so we need to pay special attention to what the story problem is about. 


Today you will solve subtraction story problems using numeric methods. You will solve subtraction story problems involving nickels and pennies. Repeat after me, “I can solve subtraction story problems. I can solve subtraction story problems using nickels and pennies.” Lets do some quick practice!

Watch as I guide you through this subtraction story problem. I had 9 buttons on my coat. 4 of the buttons fell off. How many buttons are left? Let’s count on from 4. 4: 5, 6,7, 8, 9 How many buttons are left? 5 buttons. Why is 5 the answer? 5 is the number of fingers raised. Very good! How else could we solve this story problem? If we were to create a math mountain we would have our king on top. Our king is the biggest number in the problem so which number is bigger 9 or 4. 9 is the king of our kingdom. Our partners are on the bottom. This is our prince and princess. If 9 is our king what number is the prince? 4. 9 minus 4. The king has 9 buttons and he wants to give some to the prince and the princess. This one gets 4. How many does this one get? Let’s write the equation. 9-4=__

1st graders you are showing great self control with your white boards. I have SOAR tickets for students name. Now it is your turn to do a subtraction story problem so please pick up your white board and marker. There were 7 robins on a fence. Then 5 of them flew away. How many are still on the fence? Go ahead and solve the story problem by drawing a math mountain. Now, write an equation.      ---------REPEAT----------

Please put your white board and marker on the floor in front of you. The next two problems are subtraction stories using coins. These are kind of like a problem within a problem so listen carefully as I read. Lisa has 1 nickel and 4 pennies. She buys a marble for 3 cents. How many cents does she have now? To solve the problem we must first add the nickel and penny to get the total value. 1 nickel how many cents is that? 5 cents. She also has 4 pennies so 5+4= 9. Lisa has 9 cents but she buys a marble for 3 cents. Are we adding or subtracting? Subtracting so 9-3=__. How many cents does she have now? Let’s count on to see. We start at 3 and count up to 9. Our answer will be the amount of fingers we are holding up.

When I say go you will stand up, walk back to your desk and take out your math workbook. You will turn to page 99. We will work through these together so please do not start. Questions? Go.


Today you will use the Pancake Breakfast scenario to practice subtraction. You will solve subtraction equations in The Number Quilt Game. Repeat after me, “I can solve subtraction equations.” Let’s do some quick practice!

Please leave your white boards and markers on the ground as we do the first scenario together. Student’s name you are showing great self-control, I have SOAR tickets for you. Alright, hands in your lap and eyes and ears on me. I made 10 pancakes. Now we have 10 pancakes on the table. I’m going to eat some pancakes. I am eating 1 pancake, 2 pancakes, 3 pancakes, 4 pancakes. I ate 4 pancakes. We knew the total number of pancakes when we started. What was it? 10. Then I ate 4 of them. Let’s write the subtraction equation. How can you count on to find out how many pancakes are left in the stack? Count on from 4. Raise one finger for each number until you reach 7. How can you check to see if the answer is correct? You can count the pancakes that are left on the table. ------REPEAT------

We are going to go back to our desk for a few minutes. I want you to leave your whiteboard and markers here because we will come back to the carpet. We are going to work through this together so once you get a piece of paper please walk to your desk and write your name.

Watch as I guide you through this subtraction story problem. We saw 10 kangaroos. Then 4 of them jumped away. How many kangaroos are left?  We are going to draw a math mountain to represent the kangaroo story. Which number in the problem is the total? 10. Which are the partners? 4 and 6. Let’s write an equation that shows the story. 10-4=6 Where is the total now? At the beginning. Where are the partners? After the subtraction sign and after the equals sign.

We learned how to solve subtraction stories using a nickel and pennies yesterday but let’s do a few problems to refresh our memory. Carla had 1 nickel and 3 pennies. Then she lost 1 of the pennies. How many cents does she have now? This is what we call a problem within a problem. ---SOLVE AND REPEAT---

We are going to play the Number Quilt Game. I heard you have played this before but let me refresh your memory. The goal is to place each card in its correct space on the number quilt. This is a partner game and to play you will read the equation, find the total and place the card on the quilt to match the total. You will need to make sure the corners match because one side is the equation and the other has the answer. You do not want to see the answer because that will not help you become a better mathematician. 


Today you will solve for unknown partners or totals in story problems. You will write equations and draw math mountains. Repeat after me, “I can solve for unknown partners or totals in story problems.” Let’s do some quick practice!

These next story problems may be addition or the may be subtraction. We need to read the problems carefully to see if we need to find a partner or a total. There are 7 swimmers in the pool. More swimmers come to the pool. Now there are 10 swimmers. How many more swimmers came? 3 more swimmers. ---REPEAT---

Where is the total in your drawings (Math Mountain, equation)?
Where is the partner?

When I say go you will put your math boards away. I will pass out a pink sheet of paper. Once you get it, write your name. Do not start because we will work through it together. 


We have been working with subtraction story problems but today you will solve addition stories with unknown totals. You will solve addition story problems involving nickels and pennies. Repeat after me, “I can solve addition equations.” Let’s do some quick practice!

Please leave your white boards and markers on the ground as I guide you through this addition story problem. I took 4 rides on the roller coaster. My sister took 5. How many roller coaster rides did we take in all? In addition story problems we know the partners and we need to find the total. Our partners are 4 and 5 so they go on the bottom of our math mountain. Our total goes on top. We need to add 4 and 5 together. Let’s count on to find our total. 9. Let’s write an addition equation to go with our math mountain.

Please put your white board and marker on the floor in front of you. The next problem is an addition story using coins. It’s kind of like a problem within a problem so listen carefully as I read. Eric had 1 nickel and 1 penny. His mother gave him 4 more pennies. How many cents does he have now? ---MATH MOUNTAIN AND EQUATION---

Please leave your white board makers on the ground as we do the first scenario together. I am making 1, 2, 3, 4 pancakes. Student, how many are you making? Student is making 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 pancakes. Let’s write an addition equation. Count the stacks with me. 4+6= 10 Let’s count on to find the total. Remember we start with the bigger number and count on.

It’s time to play a game! The game we are going to play is called, Number Grabber. We played this once before but listen because the directions are a little bit different. You will close your eyes while the Number Grabber covers up one of the totals. When the Number Grabber says, “Open your eyes for a big surprise” you will write the total on your white board. You will keep this secret until I ask you to show me. 


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