Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Gingerbread Houses!

So I made a Gingerbread House with a 1 and 3 year old. It looked liked this... 

I let them do everything and I think that is pretty obvious. ;-) My sister and I bought a kit for 70% at Michael's. It came with a lot more but it was a pain in the butt! The frosting didn't work so the stupid thing kept falling apart. I came up with a pretty incredible hack though...

Dixie Cups to the rescue! I know, I'm a genius! :-D We let the house dry overnight and then we finished it the next day. It turned out awesome but it is obvious my sister and I have different tastes in style. 

I can't say decorating Ginger Bread Houses will be a tradition in my house but I had fun with it this year!


I teach ECFE and in my classes I read Lois Ehlert's book, "Snowballs." Our activity for the day was to make a snowman, snowbaby, snowdog, etc out of "good stuff" like wrappers, pom-poms, popcorn, and buttons. Here are a few examples:

Students were asked to bring supplies from home but I had some out just in case.

Not really sure which way this one goes...

My dog!

A student's attempt at a dog. :-)

This kid is going to be the next Picasso. :-)

My snowman.

Thanksgiving 2015!

This year, I am especially thankful for my sister.

I'm also crazy thankful for the great guy I have a date with tomorrow. UPDATE: We went on two great dates before he dropped a bombshell and yeah, that'll be a no go. :-(