Sunday, July 6, 2014

Bucket List

A bucket list is a number of experiences or achievements a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. Here's mine: 

1. Fall in love.
2. Successful marriage.
3. Healthy and happy kids. 
4. Punaluu County (Black Sand) Beach in Hawaii.
5. Fireworks at Mount Rushmore.
6. Write a children's book. 
7. Take voice lessons. 
8. Flip a house to sell. 
9. Go swimming with Dolphins.
10. Take up dancing: Salsa, Line dance, Tap dance, Tango, Ballroom dancing, etc.
11. Join a Social Etiquette Class.
12. Be kissed in the rain. 
13. Fireworks in Duluth.
14. Fly in a Hot- air Balloon.
15. Start my own business (Childcare). 
16. Go Scuba Diving/Snorkeling and experience marine life up close. 
17. See a Broadway Musical. 
18. Participate in the Color Run. 
19. Ride an Elephant. 
20. Stay at an underwater hotel in Fiji.
21. Visit the Walk of Fame.
22. Go Zorbing.
23. Watch the ball drop in Times Square. 
24. Jump in a pool fully clothed.
25. Visit a Chocolate Factory (Hershey, Pennsylvania). 
26. Kiss under fireworks. 
27. Play messy Twister.
28. Smash a pie in someone's face.
29. Sing Karaoke.
30. Swim in Lake Superior.
31. Live in a house with a turret.
32. Teach 1st grade at a public school. 
33. Homeschool my kids.
34. Be a Mommy Blogger!
35. Drive a mini-van.
36. Fill a truck bed full of pillows and blankets and drive to the middle of nowhere to go stargazing.
37. Graduate college.
38. Attach a lock to a love bridge.
39. Visit Pixar Studios. 
40. Stay in Cinderella's Castle.
41. Go down the Shark Tank water slide at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas.
42. Swim with the Manatees in Florida.
43. Visit the largest swimming pool in the World (Algarrobo, Chile). It covers 20 acres which means I'll be swimming with no worries about sea creatures!
44. Visit Ruby Falls in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
45. Go Mini- golfing.
46.  Move to Duluth.
47. Learn how to snowboard. 
48. Learn how to sew.
49. Visit all the mega churches in the United States. 
50. Put a piece of gum on the gum wall in Seattle.

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