Sunday, March 2, 2014

Uses of Rocks (Sandpaper)

I taught Science for the first time last week. Below is the "script" I wrote to correspond with the lesson plan.
Does anyone know what is in this bag? That's right, it's sand! Is sand a rock? Yes, sand is a rock. We have been learning about the uses of rocks. Sand has an important use that we will get to look at today and that use is called sandpaper. Sandpaper is made from sand, paper, and glue.

On Monday, we had time to observe sand using a magnifying glass. When we gathered back together, we wrote our observations down. What happened to our hands?  They did get all dusty, I noticed that too. What colors were in the sand? You guys made some great observations. (I actually ended up having students close their eyes and visualize).

Today, we are going to observe sandpaper. Touch your nose if you remember what sandpaper is made from. (Student Name), what is sandpaper made from? Sand. That's right, sandpaper is made from sand, paper, and glue. Next, we are going to spend sometime observing sandpaper. Each of you is going to receive 3 pieces of sandpaper and one magnifying glass. I want you to look at all 3 pieces of sandpaper and make observations in your head. Special helper, I need you to pass out magnifying glasses and Mrs. R and I will pass out the sandpaper. Any questions?

You had 5 minutes to observe sandpaper using a magnifying glass, and I am eager to hear what my 1st grade geologists have found out. Raise your hand if you have an observation you would like to share with our class.

They were different sizes. The 3 pieces of sandpaper have different textures. Texture is the way something feels. Think about your pillow, blanket and favorite stuffed animal, those things feel soft. Is sandpaper soft? No, sandpaper is rough. The sandpaper with the largest pieces of sand is coarse sandpaper. Can you coarse? The middle-sized sand is on the medium sandpaper, and the smallest sand is on the fine sandpaper. (Tape sand paper to easel) The largest pieces of sand are on the coarse sandpaper. The middle-sized sand is on the medium sandpaper, and the smallest sand is on the fine sandpaper.

Why do you think people use, course, medium or fine sandpapers? You need to choose the size of sandpaper depending on the job you are trying to accomplish. For heavy sanding, you need coarse sandpaper. For removing imperfections or flaws, you need medium sandpaper.  For smoothing surfaces, you need fine sandpaper.

Now, let’s label the different grades of sandpaper. The sandpaper with the largest pieces of sand is called what again? Coarse. The middle-sized sand is on the medium sandpaper. The smallest sand is on the smallest sandpaper? You're right; the smallest sand is on the fine sandpaper.

This afternoon, you are going to make sandpaper rubbings. Each of you will receive a white sheet of paper. You will place the paper over the sandpaper and rub the side of the pencil to make your sandpaper rubbings. (Demonstrate) Watch, I take my white sheet of paper, put it over the sandpaper and rub the side of my pencil to make my sandpaper rubbings. You are going to make three sandpaper rubbings using coarse, medium, and fine sandpaper. When you have made all 3 raise your hand and Mrs. R or myself will give you labels to label your sandpaper rubbings like I did here. (Point to easel) Any questions?

Below I shared a few of the student's sand paper rubbings. I think they turned out pretty good!

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