Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sun Stand Still

I finished reading Steven Furtick's book, "Sun Stand Still" a few weeks ago. The book is about audacious faith. Below are a few quotes I wrote down:

- " If you're not daring to believe God for the impossible, you may be sleeping through some of the best parts of your Christian Life."
- "If the size of your vision for your life isn't intimidating to you, there's a good chance it is insulting to God."
- "If we have the audacity to ask, God has the ability to perform."
- "God gives people the exact experiences he wants them to have in order to shape the specific destiny he's designed for them."
- "When you examine the lives of people who are called to do great things for God, you'll notice 3 things:
They offer God a long list of excuses, God doesn't seem surprised, and God doesn't change his mind." 
- "I'm not raising two kids to survive the world. I am raising them to change it."
- "Extraordinary moves of God begin with ordinary acts of obedience."
- "Faith opens your eyes to see the potential to serve a God who is already at work on your behalf."
- "Audacity is believing that God's promise is bigger than any (my) perhaps."
- "It's not wrong to feel fear. It is wrong to let that fear have the last word in your life."
- "The level of you impact will be directly proportional to the price you are willing to pay."
- "If your problem is to big for you, it is just the right size for God."
- "The image that comes to mind when you think of God is the most important thing about you."
- "Build your confidence in his goodness and his greatness and He will do the impossible."
- "If your faith isn't rooted in God's promises, it's not scriptural faith. It is just wishful thinking."
- "You can't claim God's promises if you don't know God's promises."
- "God's grace is so audacious that he will use failure itself to show off just how capable He is."
- "Nothing you've ever done is so repulsive that God can't redeem your potential and love you through it."
- "The very sin you've been ignoring and minimizing may be the one that's limiting your ability to rise to greater heights in Christ."
- "Sometimes we get to see the miracle; other times we get to be the miracle."
- "Sometimes God lets the sun go down so that he can be our only light."
- "Most of the time, if you don't move, God wont move. That's just the way He designed faith to work."
- "People who walk in audacious faith don't stop and pray. Audacious faith teaches us to push and pray."
- "Vision begins when you hear the sound of God's voice speaking something to your heart. It's not an audible voice. It's more like an unshakable impression, an inner sense." (2 Cor. 5:7)

I had 13 pages of notes so this post was very brief and doesn't get into the book like it could, but I encourage you to check it out. You won't be let down!

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